Trail Conditions

General Trail Conditions

Fire Conditions

Snow Levels


If you want to know about snow levels on the PCT, the US Forest Service has a great page for current snow depth.


SNOTEL is an automated system of snowpack and related climate sensors operated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. All SNOTEL sites measure snow water content, accumulated precipitation, and air temperature. Use the following clickable maps to research snow conditions associated with SNOTEL sites in Oregon and Washington.


If you want to dig a little deeper, you can use Google Earth. The information is updated daily and you can bounce between maps of snow coverage, depth, melt and other layers.

You will wind up with two .KMZ files on your computer. Open them in Google Earth (yes, opening one and then the other will load both of them). It may take a few seconds to load the files, so be patient.

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